Hunarmand uyushmasi > Yangiliklar > Yangiliklar > Hunarmandchilik markazining ochilish marosimi │ The opening ceremony of the center of handicraft

Hunarmandchilik markazining ochilish marosimi │ The opening ceremony of the center of handicraft

2022 yil 14 iyul kuni O‘zbekiston Respublikasi “Hunarmand” uyushmasi, O‘zbekiston Savdo-sanoat palatasi bilan hamkorlikda Toshkent shahri Chilonzor tumani “Katta Do‘mbirobod” mahallasida “Hunarmandchilik markazi” va “Usta-shogird maktabi” ning ochilish marosimi o‘tkazildi. ————————————————————————————- On July 14, 2022, in cooperation with the Association of “hunarmand” of the Republic of Uzbekistan, trade and industry palatasi of Uzbekistan, the opening…

2022 yil 14 iyul kuni O‘zbekiston Respublikasi “Hunarmand” uyushmasi, O‘zbekiston Savdo-sanoat palatasi bilan hamkorlikda Toshkent shahri Chilonzor tumani “Katta Do‘mbirobod” mahallasida “Hunarmandchilik markazi” va “Usta-shogird maktabi” ning ochilish marosimi o‘tkazildi.


On July 14, 2022, in cooperation with the Association of “hunarmand” of the Republic of Uzbekistan, trade and industry palatasi of Uzbekistan, the opening ceremony of the “center of Hunarmand” and “master-shogird school” was held in chilonzor District of Tashkent City in the “boyuk Dombirabad” neighborhood.




Author: Uyushma axborot xizmati