Hunarmand uyushmasi > News > Yangiliklar > Islam Musinov, a 5-generation follower of the Salim Hamidov dynasty, learned the traditional kandakor craft from his uncle people’s master Musinov Sadiq

Islam Musinov, a 5-generation follower of the Salim Hamidov dynasty, learned the traditional kandakor craft from his uncle people’s master Musinov Sadiq

Islam Musinov-a 5-generation follower of the Salim Hamidov dynasty, a master craftsman who founded The Art of kamdakor of Bukhara at the end of the XlX century at the beginning of the 20th century, Islam Musinov learned the traditional kandakor craft from his uncle people’s master Musinov Sadiq. Also from Master Tohir Kasimov, memorializing the…

Islam Musinov-a 5-generation follower of the Salim Hamidov dynasty, a master craftsman who founded The Art of kamdakor of Bukhara at the end of the XlX century at the beginning of the 20th century, Islam Musinov learned the traditional kandakor craft from his uncle people’s master Musinov Sadiq. Also from Master Tohir Kasimov, memorializing the mysteries, he continues to enrich the traditions and unique art preserved from his ancestors with his creative examples; works such as “Lagan”, “Oftoba”, “gum”.

Master Islam Musinov has participated in exhibitions in Germany, France,Russia,Central Asia and a number of countries with examples of his work. On the recommendation of” JUNESCO “of 1996, the unique candacor product created by master Islam Musinov is preserved in the famous museums of France” Louvre ” and London. Master Islam Musinov taught his craft to more than 30 disciples.Even in foreign countries, the master has disciples.

Author: Uyushma axborot xizmati